Detroit Lawn Care Yearly Schedule​

Optional Program​

01.​ As Needed

Flea/Tick Control ​

Additional service offered with cost based on lawn size.

Our specialized insect control lawn service targets grass areas to significantly reduce flea and tick populations, ensuring a safer outdoor environment.

By employing eco-friendly, effective treatments tailored to disrupt the lifecycle of these pests, we not only eliminate adult fleas and ticks but also prevent their larvae from maturing.

Regular applications create a protective barrier in your lawn, enhancing comfort and safety for both pets and family members, and promoting a healthier, more enjoyable yard.

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02.​ As Needed

Fungicide Applications

Additional service offered with cost based on lawn size.

In certain cases, fungicides may be recommended to reduce disease activity on some lawns. Most fungus problems are soil and temperature related and seems to re-appear each year.

We prefer to treat on a preventive basis, such as a three or four application program aimed at a particular problem. In some cases fungicides may not be the complete answer and re-sodding or re-seeding with disease resistant varieties of turf may be needed.

Fungicide applications are NOT guaranteed!

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03.​ On Request

Lake-safe Fertilization Program

Additional service offered with cost based on lawn size.

Our Lake-safe Fertilization Program reduces runoff of unwanted nutrients to surrounding waterways, using slow release fertilizers and fertilizers with no phosporus, which is the main nutrient responsible for algae blooms.

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04.​ On Request

Organic Program

Additional service offered with cost based on lawn size.

Diamond Lawn Service offers an organic fertilization program using a naturally based organic fertilizer. Broadleaf weeds are generally spot treated throughout the season.

Free service calls are also included with this program.

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05.​ June or July

Preventive Grub Control

Additional service offered with cost based on lawn size.

The Metro Detroit area continues to have a high white grub population. Grubs are the larvae of beetles which cause damage to turf by feeding on the root system, thus preventing water from reaching the grass plants. This in turn causes brown areas, and if left untreated, possibly death of the turf.

It is impossible to tell which lawns will be affected by grubs from year to year therefore we recommend the grub preventive for all lawns. Preventive grub controls are done in June or July.

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06.​ On Request

Soil Testing

Additional service offered with cost based on lawn size.

Our comprehensive soil test service is designed to provide an analysis of your lawn’s soil composition, identifying nutrient levels, pH balance, and organic content. This assessment enables our team to customize a fertilization program that aligns perfectly with your lawn’s specific needs, promoting optimal grass health and growth.

By pinpointing deficiencies and imbalances, we formulate a targeted treatment plan that enhances soil quality, supports robust turf development, and ensures your lawn receives the right nutrients for a lush, vibrant appearance all season long.

This is a great way to get started at the onset of your lawn program.

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Give Us A Call At​

248-588-1888​ or 800-631-5296

Or Get A Free Estimate​

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