Low Environmental Impact

Advanced Lawn Care Technology

Kinder to the Environment

Controlled Release Fertilizer

Fertilizer technology has changed dramatically over the past 30 years, moving from a quick release philosophy to one embracing controlled release.

We use Polyon® controlled release fertilizer as part of our Low Environmental Impact Program, for consistent, predictable feeding throughout the growing season.

  • Eliminates surge growth, making your lawn easier to maintain
  • Vastly reduces nitrogen leaching or volatility,
  • Limits fertilizer runoff, and
  • Is available without phosphorous, making it an ideal choice for those living near lakes or rivers and those concerned for their local watershed.
detroit lawn care backyard couple relaxing
Freshly cut grass
Controlled Release Fertilizer


lei polyon controlled release fertilizer
More Services​

We Bring Your Lawn To Life​

Early Spring Application​
Late Summer/Fall Application
Fungicide Applications​
Organic Program​
Late Spring Application​
Lake-safe Fertilization​
Preventive Grub Control​
Summer Application​
Flea/Tick Control
Lawn Aeration​
Soil Testing​
Give Us A Call At​

248-588-1888 or 800-631-5296​

Or Get A Free Estimate​

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